The Gospel – The Message of Jesus Christ
The Gospel Defined – What is the Gospel?
Romans 1:16
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation
to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. NASB
The Gospel is a Message
The word “gospel” comes from the Greek word “evanggelion” …2098 meaning “a good message, i.e. the gospel,” or “the good news.” This is where we derive our word “evangel” and also “evangelical,” two words which are commonly used in Christianity to speak of “the Gospel” or of “being Gospel believing.” When we use the word “Gospel” in Christianity it takes on a very specific and defined meaning which has its origin in the Bible, and more specifically in the New Testament(even though the Old Testament pointed to it frequently). It is in fact “the message of the good news” of Jesus Christ and the free offer of salvation from sin and reconciliation to God through Him. So to define the Gospel in a brief statement it would look something like this…..
The message or “good news” of the person and work of Jesus Christ, God the Son, come to the earth to fulfill God’s eternal plan of salvation. The message carries within it the power to transform the sinner by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit, into a child of God and grant them eternal life. It furthermore includes the proclamation of all of God’s promises to mankind in Christ, as well as His threatenings to those who continue in their sin and rejection of God’s way of salvation provided “freely” through Jesus Christ. Primarily, mankind has been separated from God by willfully sinning against Him, is subject to His wrath, but that mankind can be saved from God’s wrath by repentance from sins and faith in Jesus Christ. This faith is defined as “trusting in and relying upon the person and work of Jesus Christ alone, receiving Him as both Savior and Lord.” It also announces the
This message of the Gospel is at its core rather simple, and yet at the same time has many complex elements and nuances that are very important to understand.
The Gospel is Simple
When we consider the basic elements of the Gospel it is really rather simple. has classified them in these four basic categories…..
· God – It is a message about the One true and living God and His claim on our lives as our Sovereign Creator and Righteous Judge.
· Man – Man was created by God, in God's image, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. But man sinned against God by disobeying His holy law. Man therefore separated himself from God's holy and satisfying presence, and incurred His wrathful displeasure.
· Christ – Christ’s death was the substitute payment for the penalty that we deserved for our sin. His death is God's only provision for the forgiveness of man's sin and the appeasement of God's wrath against him. His life provides a perfect righteousness for us in the sight of God.
· Response - We are called to respond to this good news in repentance and belief - turning away from our sin and self-sufficiency toward God, and trusting in the shed blood of Jesus Christ as the substitute penalty that we deserved for our sin.
In these basic elements the Gospel is rather simple. In one sentence, “Man has been separated from God because of sin, and Christ is God’s provision to atone for man’s sins, and man can simply receive God’s provision through repentance and faith.” This is the good news about Jesus Christ that historic Christianity has always proclaimed and this is the essential message that we still proclaim today. The message is timeless and not subject to modernity, or culture or any other influence that would change its meaning until Christ returns in power to establish His Kingdom physically upon the earth.
See the Outline here.....
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